* Kelly Ripa recalls All My Children scene that made the cast laugh uncontrollably | AMC on Soap Central

WATCH: Kelly Ripa recalls All My Children scene that made the cast laugh uncontrollably

Posted Thursday, March 26, 2020 6:12:00 AM

All My Children alum Kelly Ripa (ex-Hayley Santos) reveals which soap opera scene made the cast of the ABC drama laugh SO hard, they all almost got fired.

They say laughter is the best medicine, but it's also a tonic that can lead to major on-set shenanigans, says All My Children alum Kelly Ripa (ex-Hayley Santos). During an episode of her daytime talk show, Live! with Kelly and Ryan, the actress recalled a Pine Valley scene that had everyone in stitches -- and nearly fired!

The segment begins with Ripa explaining that laughter is contagious (and that goes for fake laughs, too, so feel free to feign amusement over non-funny things, because it could lead to the giggles). She then remembers a particularly laugh-filled scene that she filmed at AMC, the soap on which she starred from 1990 to 2002.

"There was a scene, and I still remember the line to this day. [It was] Shari Headley [ex-Det. Mimi Reed], Dondre Whitfield [ex-Terrence Frye], me, and I think Walt Willey [ex-Jackson Montgomery], and there was one other person [but I can't remember who it was]. We were all in the scene together," she shares. "I had to run in and say, 'You arrested the wrong man. I killed Will Cortlandt!'"

She continues, "On the soaps, you didn't screw up. They were like, you did it once, did it first take, and maybe if a boom shadow was in the scene, they would be willing to do it twice, but there was no [reshooting the scene]. So, every time I ran in and said, 'You've arrested the wrong man,' one of us would laugh! One of us, each and every time. And I think like on the 18th time, they were like, 'If you don't do it this time, you're all getting fired.' Which somehow made it funnier! [Laughs] We were like, [in giggles] 'Not fired!' Then we really started laughing. It was a nightmare."

Fortunately, nobody lost their jobs that day. And it seems like the gem of a behind-the-scenes moment gave Ripa the practice she needed to get over laughter quickly. As Soap Central previously reenter the comedy scene via a new sitcom inspired by her life -- and she best not be holding up production with giggle fits!

Check out the clip of Ripa recalling the All My Children scene that made the cast laugh uncontrollably, and let us know what you think in the Comments section at the end of the article.

What do you think about Kelly Ripa's All My Children memory? Do you remember the scene that she recalls? Have you ever been hit with a case of the giggles? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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