* Baby, you're bad for me, like drugs in my veins (GH Two Scoops Commentary for November 16, 2020) | Soap Central

Baby, you're bad for me, like drugs in my veins

For the Week of November 16, 2020
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A battle for good and evil ended up with one twin in the Port Charles waters. But is she actually gone? And what beloved actor rumored to leave has unfortunately confirmed those exit rumors? Let's discuss in this week's Two Scoops.

Dear readers, I love a good old-fashioned evil twin storyline, and GH did not disappoint by bringing Anna face to face with her evil twin, Alex. Having Anna dress in the white glittery witch costume and Alex dress in the black costume had an old-school Bewitched Sabrina/Serena mojo.

I know Alex was shot and that she rolled herself off the deck after a massive injury, but she's alive. I just know it. No body, no death. Some other villain scooped her up and put her on a boat bound for somewhere gloriously evil. I saw the first glimmer of fire in Peter's eyes in ages when Alex spoke to his dark side. I got a real Kylo Ren vibe. Part of Peter wants to fight those dark impulses, and the other part of him wants to give in and go full Faison Jr. Which way he sways will probably depend on which mother is mothering him at any given time. He seems susceptible to maternal influence.

Maxie rode the wave of being kidnapped by her soon-to-be evil mother-in-law in stride and didn't seem to be terribly alarmed. I asked myself how many times I would need to have my life endangered before it would become old hat to me. Readers, I realized I am not really rooting for Maxie and Peter anymore. At first, I did, when they were falling for each other, and I thought he really was a changed man -- or a man attempting to change. You know I am a full-on sucker for redemption stories.

But lately, I have grown weary of Peter slinking around, making whispered phone calls to unnamed toadies doing his evil bidding somewhere around the world. And when he framed Obrecht, I was so over him. I have only ever liked Maxie with two love interests. The first is Spinelli -- sweet, quirky, awkward, and perfect Spinelli. Of course, the other was Nathan, who was one of those soap characters no real man could ever live up to. He was flawless and perfect for Maxie because he never tried to change her and never told her she was too much. She's a handful, but it never crossed his mind to try to rein her in. Before I married my husband, I dated a lot of guys. My mom told me that I was never satisfied because I was looking for a soap man instead of a real man. She wasn't wrong, I suppose.

I know how a man in love is supposed to look at you and treat you and talk to you and cherish you because of soaps. I saw it in the way Nikolas loved Emily and how Jax loved Brenda and the way Luke loved Laura back in the day. I wanted that. We all want that. I want that for Maxie again, too. Peter can't be wholly devoted to Maxie because he's working too hard to cover up his crimes.

I have heard whispers about Billy Miller coming back as Drew Cain, which would definitely ruin Peter's plans. If Drew is alive and can point the finger at Peter as the man who downed his plane, that would be game over for Peter. But the rumors I heard said Drew coming back had more to do with helping Franco through a brain tumor than sticking it to Peter.

Let's talk about Franco's brain tumor. I'm not a doctor, but I did seek advice from my cousin, the nurse I live with. She seemed to find it highly unlikely that Franco's new brain tumor would grow back in the exact same spot and cause him to become a serial killer again. At least I gave her a laugh after a full day of caring for COVID patients.

But reality and GH don't always line up, so is this where the writers are taking us? Franco is going to get another tumor and start murdering people, and Jason whacks him to save Liz? I have to wonder if this is part of the latest mass exodus of actors. Is Roger Howarth on the chopping block? I hope not. We have already lost too many beloved characters.

The rumors about William deVry's exit from GH sadly turned out to be true. I am so sad to see him go. I loved him on GH, and especially the Julexis pairing, which was so wildly popular that, of course, the writers decided to blow up their relationship for no particular reason. I also enjoyed "Charlie's" time with Kim and his support to her while Oscar was dying. But I was so invested in Julexis, I never let myself love Kim and Charlie 100%.

But the relationship I will miss the most is Ava and Julian. The chemistry and that sibling bond between them was always riveting. Maura West and William deVry are magic on-screen together, and I am already heartbroken for Ava because she's losing the only person she can truly trust and count on. If something happens to Julian, and Ava thinks she could have done more to save him, she may end up back in Shadybrook. Ava carries so much guilt and regret. Losing her brother is bound to bring up all of her heartaches.

There are so many untold stories for Julian. I want to see him find his way back into a relationship with Lucas. I want to see him make peace with Sam. I want to watch him watch Leo grow up and see him co-parent with Olivia. I want to see him come to the rescue and help Alexis get sober again. Apparently, I won't get to see any of those stories.

But we don't yet know how Julian will go. Will he take Nikolas up on his offer to hide out on Cassadine Island, or will Sonny discover his part in Wiley's switch and murder him in cold blood. Which do you think would make the better story?

Mr. deVry has stated that if he left GH, he wouldn't be back, so would you prefer to see Julian killed off rather than recast? I'd rather have him alive somewhere so he can change his mind a few years down the line and come back. I just don't want him to go. I love the character of Julian, and I like William deVry as an actual human being. I want him to be employed and to see him daily and hang out with him for an hour. This has been a dreadful year, and his work makes us happy.

But, I lost my job this year, too, and I am very good at it, just as he is outstanding at his. It's that kind of miserable year. I know many of you have been "Furloughed," "Downsized," "Transitioned," "Laid Off," and a host of other hip words that mean "You're fired." It hurts! Thankfully, I start a new job next week, and I pray that William deVry is snatched up somewhere quickly, too. Whoever hires him gets me as a viewer.

Hey, Hallmark Channel -- if you're looking for a new Christmas heartthrob, have I got a guy for you! And get this, he already has his own built-in audience!

I worry how deep these cast cuts will go and who will be left after the hacking ends.

Now I'll ask you the same question about Emme Rylan when she leaves -- does she get too close to Cyrus and get kidnapped? Would that bring Luke and Lucky out of the shadows to search for her? Or does Dante kill her in his "Complete the Mission" trance? My best guess is that Lulu and Dante will ride off into the sunset together, but no matter the backstory, I won't be able to reconcile the "why." Lulu co-parents a child with Valentin. Her best friend is Maxie, her job at the Invader is in Port Charles. Lulu's mother, Laura, and her previously presumed-dead brother Nikolas are in Port Charles. Would she willingly leave that all behind? What do you think, readers? Kill her off for good, or leave the door open for a return? How would you write this story?

It may be that Sasha's days in Port Charles are numbered, too. Is she dead on Cyrus' floor? Did the new blend of drugs he gave to her give her a heart attack? This is why I stick with wine. It's a known entity. I can't figure out what Cyrus wants with Sasha. Was he trying to seduce her or use her in some other nefarious way? I was happy to see Sonny mention Karen -- it's a dark part of his history that is barely mentioned, and I'm glad the writers let us know that Sonny still carries that scar with him.

I am trying to piece together the Cyrus storyline, and it still isn't falling into place. Okay, he is a drug dealer. He had some person stashed in a house somewhere. He wrote letters to someone he loved. He is somehow involved in a 40-year-old case that Laura recognized and lied about. He has an axe to grind with Laura and Lulu, but also Sonny. Is he related to Frank Smith? Mr. Big? I'm trying to figure out which ex-villain he is trying to get revenge for.

Next up -- Brook Lynn says she is leaving Port Charles, as well. Is this contract dictated? Is it time for Amanda Setton to come back after her maternity leave? Is that why they are sending Briana Lane's BLQ out of town, so in a few weeks, she can come back as Amanda? Maybe not, because my guess is that after Chase walked in on Michael and Willow having "we got our annulment papers" sex, he will make a beeline to have rebound sex with Brook Lynn before she leaves town.

Dear readers, a sidetrack... Do you have Amazon Prime, and if so, do you watch The Bay? It's chock full of soap stars from GH, The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, etc. Maybe Days of our Lives, I dunno -- I don't watch that one. But I really like it, and I caught the latest episodes this week and was happy that Tristan Rogers actually gets love scenes on that show. He's had way too long of a dry spell romantically on GH. Isn't Holly still trapped in a cage, waiting to be rescued? Come on, Super Spy, get cracking.

Carly is not a super spy, but she did realize that Nelle is Nina's daughter after Carly saw Avery wearing Nelle's half heart necklace. Will she tell Nina what she knows? What would be worse, never knowing your daughter or knowing that you knew her and that she died before you knew she belonged to you? A very complicated question.

What will happen tomorrow, dear readers? Will Josslyn write in her journal about what a tool Dev turned out to be? Will Taggert just go to Kelly's for coffee and try to blend in, since half the town knows he's alive now? Will Liz be suspicious the next time Terry and Epiphany want to drop by with wine? Will Jason pretend Liz is in danger so he can kill Franco? Will Finn and Gregory tell poor, unsuspecting Chase that his brother defiled his mom on her wedding day? Will Ned try to rescue Alexis from her drinking or join her in a glass or five? Will Jax realize he is wasting his time on Nina and look up Brenda so he can have some fun adventures again?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.

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